academy & gallery
We inspire and educate students, with an emphasis on teaching them how to learn. We recognized students as individuals, teaching to their unique learning style and blend of intelligence's.
We value the social emotional benefits of the group experience and always seek to facilitate a positive environment for all.
We provide strong foundations in the science, art, and theory of each subject.
We recognize that appreciation is a learned skill and the first skill we seek to attain. The mind works best in a state of appreciation and the learning process is propelled by appreciation. Appreciation quickly becomes a lifestyle.
We believe your goals should be our goals - it's your experience - it's your school! We whole-heartedly believe that family and friends help determine a student's success in reaching his/her goals. We support family involvement and require parental involvement for children in the beginning stages.
Kelly C. Stauffer
Kelly C Stauffer is an Encourager. She is a Wife and Mother, Musician and Artist, Teacher, Speaker, Wellness Coach. As the Founder of Chillicothe Fine Arts, she is passionate about loving people and pointing them towards one another and God. She loves mixing science and research with the creative arts and encouraging families to connect and become stronger together. "The Arts uniquely embrace our very purpose - to notice and communicate with God. Interestingly they also wire the mind for learning and well-being like no other experience." Equipping more parents and teachers to lovingly empower more children, has been her mission for the last 24 years in teaching and ministry, and 20 years with Kindermusik International.
Meet our Educators!
Melissa Matson
S.T.E.A.M. Club Teacher
CFA S.T.E.A.M. Curricula Activity Contributor
Assistant Teacher
Miriam Baker
S.T.E.A.M. Club Teacher's Assistant
CFA S.T.E.A.M. Curricula Activity Contributor
Emily Fields
Professional Artist In Residence
Private & Class Art Instructor
CFA Original Art Curricula Contributor